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Limited company with a capital of 8000 €
Registered with the Registrar of the Tribunal of Commerce of CAHORS under Company Registration No. 452 781 180 Represented by Mr Christophe GONZALES in his capacity of Director

FR 754 527 81 180

Agency fees :
All the prices displayed on the website include VAT.

Professional Card of Real Estate Agent, transaction N° CPI 4601 2016 000 007 794
issued by the CCI of LOT

Financial Guarantee :
QBE insurance Limited for an amount of 110.000 €
Coeur Défense, Tour A-110 Esplanade du général de Gaulle
92931 La Défense Cedex

Maisons & chateaux
12 place Saint-James
46000 CAHORS
Tél. +33 (0)5 65 35 63 32
e-mail :


Regarding any information relating to its operation or running, please contact the webmaster at :
or by post :
Service Internet MAISONS & CHATEAUX
12 Place Saint-James - BP44
46000 CAHORS

The site and each of its components are the exclusive property of maisons & châteaux.
This Internet site is an original and intellectual creation and is protected by the copyright Act. Its contents are also protected by the intellectual and/or industrial property rights. All reproduction or representation, in full or partial, of the site or of any of its components, is forbidden as is any alteration.
Anyone attempting to discredit the intellectual property rights attached to the various objects of this Internet site, is guilty of counterfeit and is liable for criminal punishment under the Law.

Christophe GONZALES
Communication Director
Tél. +33 (0)5 65 35 63 32

NFrance Conseil
4 rue J-F Kennedy
31000 Toulouse

"Maisons & Châteaux" and "Maisons & Châteaux Immobilier de prestige et de caractère" are trademarks protected and registered with The French National Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI)
The use of this name an its logotypes is regulated by the Code of Intellectual Property. Any use of this name is forbidden and would constitute a counterfeit.

Maisons & Châteaux strives to ensure to the best of its ability the accuracy and the updating of all information available on its website. However, we cannot in any way guarantee that all information is to date accurate or fully updated.
Maisons & châteaux can not give any guarantee, expressed or implied, concerning all or part of its website.
On no account, Maisons & Châteaux can be held responsible of any damage direct or indirect, whatever its nature, arisen from the use of its website.

Hypertext Links
External hypertext links established within the present site and the contents of other parties’sites towards which it is directed, can not engage the liability or responsibility of MAISONS & CHATEAUX

Upon prior and expressed authorisation, Maisons & Châteaux allows hypertext links towards its site only with respect to its homepage.

To establish deep links is strictly forbidden. In this case, Maisons & Châteaux reserve the right to direct the other party to remove this deep link.


Data-processing and Liberties
In accordance with the Law dated 6 January 1978, amended on 6 August 2004, said " Informatiques et Libertés " relating to the French Data Protection Act, and to the article 43 of the law dated 30 September 1986 and to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted the 14 April 2016, this new law reinforces legal obligations concerning the collection, storage, use and process of personal data.

This Internet site is registered with the “Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés : CNIL”, the French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty under registration number N° 1285532.

The personal data collected on the website are the result of voluntary disclosure of Identity, email address, telephone number, address and all additional information relative to your property search gathered via the submission of an electronic form. The data gathered are provided to our Customer Service in order to process your request for additional information.

The Internet site MAISONS et CHATEAUX does not use cookies or trackers.

A personal space called « Espace client » can be voluntarily created to keep a record of some files. The duration of the account is of 2 months, beyond that period the account will be automatically deleted from our data-base with all data except it is renewed by the User for the same period.

The data collected with our forms are recorded on MAISONS ET CHATEAUX’s computerized data collection system and used for customer management, to respond to information requests and the further exchanges that we will have, relating to the properties that we display, for the follow up on files and this for the entire duration of the business relationship.

This data is stored for 2 years and used solely by our customer service who handles the exchanges with our customers, by our sales team in charge of the different properties marketed in our advertisements in order to permit them to inform and communicate directly with the clients, our webmaster in charge of maintenance of our computerized platform and our website.
Regarding the data related to our sales mandates, these will be stored for 10 years as we are required to by Law.

MAISONS & CHATEAUX does not sell or share the personal data collected with any third party.

Mediation :
Every consumer is entitled to have access, free of charge, to a consumer mediator with a view to an amicable resolution of a dispute between him and a professional.
To this end, the professional guarantees the consumer the effective resort to a consumer mediation system by virtue of articles L 611-1 and following of the Consumer Code.
Our mediator of consumption:
Association MEDIMMOCONSO, 1 Allée du Parc de Mesemena - Bât A
CS 25222
Website :

Simple forms :
The data gathered in this are recorded on MAISONS ET CHATEAUX’s computerized data collection system for 2 years and used solely for customer management, to respond to information requests and the further exchanges that we will have, relating to the properties that we display, for the follow up on files and this for the entire duration of the business relationship.

In accordance to the French data protection act, « Informatiques et libertés » everyone has the right to access, complete, update, block or erase personal data.

You can refuse the processing of your personal data and can withdraw your consent at any time by writing to the following address: MAISONS & CHATEAUX, M. Christophe GONZALES, Délégué à la protection des données, 12 Place Alain de Solminihac, BP44, 46000 CAHORS, or by email at

Forms with mandatory fields/Personalized search
Some of the information on this form are mandatory because we need to know more about you and the general lines of your project in order to communicate efficiently and because we will be sending you confidential information regarding the properties for sale.

This data is processed on a computerized system in order to report to our sellers of our actions undertaken for the selling of their properties. These are stored for 2 years and are accessed and used solely by our customer service who handles the exchanges with our customers, by our sales team in charge of the different properties marketed in our advertisements in order to permit them to inform and communicate directly with you.

In accordance to the French data protection act, « Informatiques et libertés » everyone has the right to access, complete, update, block or erase personal data.

You can refuse the processing of your personal data and can withdraw your consent at any time by writing to the following address: MAISONS & CHATEAUX, M. Christophe GONZALES, Délégué à la protection des données, 12 Place Alain de Solminihac, BP44, 46000 CAHORS, or by email at


Large property with guest house, barn
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